About Us

Green Card Bureau in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a national motor insurance bureau that represents insurance companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina within the international motor insurance system - Green Card System.

Green Card Bureau in Bosnia and Herzegovina operates as a non-profit and non-governmental organization, achieving its goals throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Members of Green Card Bureau in Bosnia and Herzegovina are insurance companies dealing with third parties liability motor insurance. The current membership consists of 23 insurance companies

Green Card Bureau in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of the Council of Bureaux, Brussels - the principal organization of the Green Card System, which forms a network of 51 member states and in that capacity performs its competencies prescribed by law and international agreements in order to protect victims of cross-border road traffic accidents.

Within its competencies, Green Card Bureau in Bosnia and Herzegovina is legitimized to compensate for the damage caused in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the use of foreign-registered vehicles with a valid international proof of insurance.

Green Card Bureau in Bosnia and Herzegovina manages the Information Center, which provides data to interested parties about the insurance company which the responsible vehicle was insured with on the day of the accident.

The work of the Bureau is carried out by the administrative and technical staff at its seat:

Derviša Numića br.7, 71000 Sarajevo

Phone: 00387 33 72 45 50, 00387 33 61 07 44

Fax: 00387 33 72 45 60

